March 05, 2025



事實上,雖沒有列明把子女獨留在家中屬違法,但不論是獨留在家中,在街上或商場,任何人忽略由他們所管養,看管或照顧的16歲或以下的兒童或少年人,而導致其受到不必要的苦楚或健康損害,均屬刑事罪行. 警方亦曾根據上述條文成功檢控把兒童留在家的人士.


印象中台灣的國小二年級有一次智力測驗(不是測學科),老師會私下問成績前段者的家長是否有意願進資優班,不想去的話也沒關係. 國中入學也會做一次智力測驗(一樣不是考學科),在聯考時代我唸的國中會把智商高的人另外放在一個圈子加強英文能力,我小孩唸書時是常態分班,高智商的可能就打散在各個班級.


如果實施第一孕期唐氏症篩檢若是高危險群,便實施絨毛取樣術及利用新式快速定位雜交檢驗「FISH」,且精準度九成五以上,並可於14週以前便得知結果,不僅效率高,提早得知結果且降低等待期間. 若是發現是異常胎兒時此時胎兒也較小,及早處理可降低孕婦生理,心理負擔及其家庭壓力,也可節省整體社會資源.writing competition 2025 hk


< 幼稚園: ㄧㄡˋ ㄓˋ ㄩㄢˊ >辭典檢視- 教育部2021.


自閉兒學說話家長費心思/ 黃雲語言治療師


自閉症類群障礙(Autism Spectrum Disorder, ASD)是一種先天腦部功能受損傷而引起的發展障礙,徵狀通常在幼兒3 歲前出現. 自閉症類群障礙常伴隨有智障,癲癇,過度活躍,退縮及鬧情緒等問題.數學比賽2025


語言治療範圍非常廣,包含疾病癒後,早療,語言矯正及長照,例如中風,失智,腦部損傷,頭頸癌放射介入,退化性疾病如帕金森氏症及漸凍人,嗓音異常,吞嚥異常,氣切發聲復能,兒童部分包括語言發展遲緩兒童,自閉症光譜兒童,構音異常(講話臭零呆),吞嚥異常,聽損聽能復健,唇顎裂,語暢異常(口吃)等,喉嚨損傷,喉嚨長繭也屬於語言治療的 ...


問題 回覆與建議
手腳筋斷掛那一科? 骨科.
腰方面有問題掛那一科? 復健科.
脊椎側彎掛那一科? 骨科.
內八,外八掛那一科? 大人: 骨科 或復健科 . 兒童:兒童門診之兒童骨科或兒童復健科 .
尚有 4 列


雖然遺傳因素只佔發展遲緩的一小部份,但是當家族中的小朋友有同樣的情況發生,或是發展遲緩合併其他器官的異常,例如生長異常(頭圍,身高,體重高於第97百分位或低於第3百分位)或外表多重畸形等. 這個時候建議家屬就應找小兒神經科或遺傳科醫師做相關諮詢及檢查,以便找出病因.


巧克力一定含有咖啡因,建議4歲前不宜給孩子食用 ,4歲後可偶爾食用,並建議在中午前吃,才不會影響 夜間睡眠,另外也多以健康點心取代巧克力與甜食,例 如:鮮奶,優酪乳,全麥麵包,豆漿等,補充需 要的營養素. 很想請教阿包醫生,胃酸過多的小孩,可以 用蜂蜜(麥蘆卡)調整胃嗎?

Posted by: sadabqbn at 04:07 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 68 words, total size 4 kb.

January 11, 2025

Can ultrasound detect a stomach ...

Can ultrasound detect a stomach tumor?

Stomach ultrasound.

Ultrasound is an imaging test that uses sound waves to make pictures. For stomach cancer, the pictures can show how far the cancer has grown into the stomach wall.

What does Colour on an ultrasound mean?

Red and blue colors represent the movement of the blood. Blue represents blood flow away from the probe, while red represents the blood flowing towards the probe. If the screen shows a combination of blue and red, it could indicate circular flow, coherent flow, or turbulence.

What are the three warning signs of kidney disease?

Urinating more frequently. If you feel the need to urinate more often, especially at night, this can be a sign of kidney disease. ...
Blood in urine. ...
Foamy urine. ...
Persistent puffiness around eyes. ...
Swollen ankles and feet. ...
Poor appetite. ...
Muscle cramping.

Can abdominal ultrasound detect bowel problems?

However, over the past few years technological advancement and the increasing experience of ultrasound practitioners has meant that ultrasound is now an important tool for visualising bowel pathology, giving practitioners the ability to diagnose a range of different pathologies such as colorectal tumours and bowel ...

What can an ultrasound detect in the abdomen?

An abdominal ultrasound is used to produce images of the organs within your abdomen, including the liver, spleen, kidneys, gallbladder, pancreas, and urinary bladder. It is primarily used to investigate symptoms such as pain, bloating, nausea, abnormal blood tests, and a palpable mass, among others.

What liver problems can be seen on ultrasound?

A liver ultrasound can show signs of fat storage in your liver (steatotic liver disease), inflammation and swelling (hepatitis), and scar tissue (fibrosis or cirrhosis). These are the three main stages of chronic liver disease. The scan may also show liver lesions, abnormal spots or growths on your liver.肝臟超聲波掃描

Is 500ml a full bladder?

How much urine can your bladder hold? Your bladder can hold about 500ml of urine. But you usually feel the need to go to the toilet when it's holding around 200-300ml. Most people empty their bladder 4 to 6 times a day.

What does an abdominal ultrasound show?

An abdominal ultrasound is a noninvasive procedure used to assess the organs and structures within the abdomen. This includes the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, bile ducts, spleen, and abdominal aorta. Ultrasound technology allows quick visualization of the abdominal organs and structures from outside the body.復康醫療用品

Can you see tumors in the abdomen with ultrasound?

In recent years, advancements in ultrasound technology have expanded its capabilities. Developments like 3D ultrasound and contrast-enhanced ultrasound have improved the ability to detect and characterize abdominal tumors, as research in Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology suggests.

Can stomach problems be seen on ultrasound?

Ultrasound imaging of the abdomen uses sound waves to produce pictures of the structures within the upper abdomen. It is used to help diagnose pain or distention (enlargement) and evaluate the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, pancreas, spleen and abdominal aorta.醫療器材公司

Posted by: sadabqbn at 01:51 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 504 words, total size 4 kb.

January 01, 2025



是突然發作的,很難事先預測,也很難預防. 臨床表現發作的時間點,最常發生在胎兒岀生時間的前後,可能正在待產陣痛,正在剖腹產手術中,或是產後不久. 極少數發生在產後2天以上,或是還在懷孕期間(除非,可能由於腹部受傷,施行流產手術,或是抽羊水,才有機會讓羊水進入孕婦血管).剖腹產bb

What is the 1st most painful surgery?

Most painful surgeries
1. Open surgery on the heel bone
2. Spinal fusion
3. Myomectomy
4. Proctocolectomy
5. Complex spinal reconstruction


維生素C:像是木瓜,芭樂,蘋果,水梨,葡萄等. 富含維生素C的水果可幫助傷口癒合,增進體內結締組織生長,咀嚼困難者可考慮飲用不濾渣的果汁來補充. 維生素A:如木瓜,胡蘿蔔,菠菜,鯖魚等. 維生素A不僅與視覺有關,也能增進皮膚與黏膜的健康.


答案是:會! 儘管有許多的說法,但其實在哺乳期間,只是懷孕機率很低而已,儘管大約只有2%的懷孕機率,但若是在哺乳期間並無再次懷孕的計畫,那麼建議還是進行較完善的避孕措施較為妥當!

Which food is best for normal delivery?

Focus on eating wholegrain foods (whole wheat flour chapati, whole wheat bread, brown rice and oats), foods that are rich in protein (eggs, fish, chicken, lentils and soya) and folate (green leafy vegetables). These can help improve your health.

Can I sleep on my side after normal delivery?

Rest in a horizontal position:

– Lying in bed/ on the couch (on your back or side). Especially the days in hospital post-delivery as this helps to take stress off the pelvic floor and allows it to recover more quickly.

When a person gives birth?

Labour is divided into 3 stages. The first stage is the dilation of the cervix, the second stage is the birth of the baby, and the third stage is the delivery of the placenta. For first-time mothers, labour takes around 12 to 14 hours. Women who have undergone childbirth before can expect about 7 hours of labour.



What does deliver oneself mean?

formal. : to make, create, or produce (something) She has finally delivered herself of her long-awaited third novel.

What is delivery used for?

Delivery is the process of transporting goods from a source location to a predefined destination. Cargo (physical goods) is primarily delivered via roads and railroads on land, shipping lanes on the sea, and airline networks in the air.開刀生仔

Posted by: sadabqbn at 10:45 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 267 words, total size 3 kb.

December 05, 2024

What is 9.8N/kg?

What is 9.8N/kg?

There are two units for g=9.8: one is the gravity formula G=mg to get g=G/m. Then g=9.8N/kg, the second is obtained from the acceleration of gravity (free fall motion): g=(Vt-Vo)/t, then g=9.8m/s², this is a common gravity question in physics, usually in Fill in the blanks, multiple choices and big questions will be used, so everyone must keep the knowledge points in mind.

How do I know my GPA?

First of all, the most direct way is to inquire through the school's academic affairs system. Most schools will provide students with an online academic affairs system. Students can log in with their student ID and password, and then view their transcripts and GPA in the system. The advantage of this method is that it is convenient and fast, and the data is accurate and reliable. Secondly, if the school's academic affairs system is temporarily inaccessible, or you need a more detailed score analysis, you can try to contact the school's academic affairs office.

Will steam clean clothes?

Yes ! Steam cleaning can help eliminate odor-causing agents that can attract unwanted critters. After steam cleaning, spray items with fabric spray to freshen them and add fragrance.20 Mar 2023Yes! Steaming cleaning can help lift odor-causing agents that can attract unwanted critters. After steaming, mist items with a fabric spray to freshen and add fragrance.20 Mar 20236 Reasons Why You & Your Wardrobe Should Love SteamingThe Laundress › blogs › tips › 6-reasons-...The Laundresshttps :// › blogs › tips › 6-reasons-...

Which is better, a handheld vacuum cleaner or an upright vacuum cleaner?

Lightweight stick vacuums are ideal for quick and easy cleaning tasks and work best in small spaces. More powerful upright vacuums, on the other hand, are more effective at deep cleaning carpets and removing tougher dirt and debris. Lightweight stick vacuums are ideal for quick and easy cleaning tasks, working the best in small living spaces. More powerful upright vacuums, on the other hand, are more effective at deep-cleaning carpets and handling tougher dirt and debris.Are Stick Vacuums as Good as Upright Vacuums? - Best BuyBest Buy › pcmcat1690989554537Best Buy › pcmcat1690989554537

How often should vacuum cleaner filters be replaced?

Excessive dust accumulation will not only weaken the suction power of the vacuum cleaner, but when the filter cannot perform its normal filtration function, the tiny particles emitted will also have a negative impact on indoor air quality. Therefore, according to the official website recommendations, it should be replaced at least once a year under normal use. A primary filter to ensure optimal performance of the machine and comfort in the home environment.Limpiadores de alfombras

Are there any fees for inter-bank withdrawals?

Inter-bank withdrawal fee_Baidu Encyclopedia Inter-bank withdrawal means withdrawing money from a non-deposit bank, usually used for ATM withdrawals. Inter-bank withdrawals generally charge a handling fee ranging from 2 to 50 yuan per transaction, and some banks charge 2 to 3 yuan per month. There is no handling fee for inter-bank withdrawals. After all major state-owned banks implemented the standard of 4 yuan for inter-bank handling fees in the same city, some joint-stock banks also officially increased this handling fee starting in July 2010.

How to get rid of small moths in your home?

1. First, clean the common places in the home, and then thoroughly clean the places in the home that are prone to pests or other places. 2. Secondly, close all doors and windows, and then put away all the food in the home. Get up, and then spray a spray of insecticide inside the house. It is best to perform this step while at work or when no one is home. 3. The most important thing is to close the doors and windows tightly to prevent moths from entering the house.

Is Matress Protector necessary?

A mattress protector forms a protective barrier against accidental spills, bacteria, and all types of allergens. Not only does it protect you from all these unnecessary annoyances, it also extends the life of your mattress - which is why we believe it's the best One of the important bedding accessories. Provides protection against dust mites and bacteria.

What do you put on the carpet to vacuum?

1) Dry clean the carpet with baking soda.

As we have already said, start by vacuuming the carpet to remove any residue. Next, take the baking soda and spread it over the entire surface of the carpet. Next, take the brush and rub it into the fibers in circular motions.Trocken-Nasssauger

How to clean oil stains on the floor?

If there is a layer of oil stains on the floor surface, you can sprinkle some washing powder on the oil stain, and then wipe it with a wet cloth until the washing powder penetrates into the oil stain and decomposes the oil stain, and then wipe the floor clean with a dry cloth. Detergent can also remove stains on the floor. For oil stains, it is recommended to pour the dishwashing liquid into a basin, then heat the water, stir evenly, and then wipe the floor with a rag dipped in clean water. Pour baking soda into boiling water to dissolve it, then use a rag dipped in soda water to wipe the floor. The oil stains on the floor will be removed quickly. aufrechte Staubsauger

Posted by: sadabqbn at 11:16 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 887 words, total size 6 kb.

November 16, 2024

How difficult is UX design?

How difficult is UX design?

UX & UI design is a diverse field that offers a variety of creative and technical roles, including Department Managers, Project Managers, Marketers, and Entrepreneurs. Learning UX & UI design is not overly difficult, but the most challenging part may be mastering all that the field has to offer.

What training is required to be a ux designer?

You can become a UX designer without a degree; however, most UX designers have earned a bachelor's degree. Some relevant areas to consider earning a degree in include computer science and psychology.

What coding is used in UX design?

What coding languages do UX/UI designers use? The most common markup languages that UX/UI designers should know are HTML & CSS. JavaScript is a secondary language that might be helpful. HTML is used to format the structure of a page, and CSS helps add styling such as font size, color, opacity, and more.Quality assurance tester

Is it too late to learn UX design?

There is no age limit on UX.
User-experience design is a multi-disciplinary field that takes skills and experience in usability -- both research and testing, information architecture, and interaction design.
Notice how there is no mention of HTML or other coding?
It takes years to practice proper UX.

Is UX design a stressful job?

But a common question raised often is, [Is UX design stressful?". Yes, UX design can be stressful at times, especially when facing tight deadlines, complex projects, or demanding clients. As with any job, there are challenges and pressures that can lead to stress. UX design is not different from them.

Can I learn Figma in 7 days?

How long does it take to learn Figma? It takes only a few days to a week of practicing and following tutorials to learn the basics of Figma. It could take you less time if you already have a basic understanding of other design tools. Keep in mind that you're never done learning a design tool.

How long does it take to break into UX design?

two to four yearsBecoming a UX designer isn't necessarily a long process. It usually takes two to four years to become a UX designer, even without a bachelor's or master's degree. You can take an introductory design course and then hone your skills through a UX/UI design certification course.

Do UX need coding?

User experience (UX) design does not require coding. UX designers focus on the design of the product, while developers are responsible for its implementation-that is, taking your design files and coding them into life.senior site engineer

Is getting a UX design job hard?

Yes, getting a job in UX is hard and takes a lot of work. But that doesn't mean it is impossible-quite the opposite, to be honest. I hope you're still willing to give it a try. Let's take the reasons we discussed above to heart and work out some ways to make it easier to get a job in UX.

Will AI take over UX design?

It's very unlikely that AI will replace UX designers, writers, strategists, or UI artists. According to The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, [There are ~86 billion neurons in our brain. That's nearly impossible to replicate given our current processing power.

Posted by: sadabqbn at 01:47 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 551 words, total size 4 kb.

November 24, 2023

What are the important PCB layout rules when using high speed converters?

The design teaching goal of PDS is to minimize the voltage ripple generated in response to the operating current requirements of the system power supply. All control circuits need to pass current, some circuits have a greater impact on market demand, and some circuits require us to provide a current at a faster rate.1oz vs 2oz With a sufficiently decoupled low-impedance power layer or ground condition and good PCB layering, the voltage ripple caused by the current information requirements of the circuit can be minimized. For example, if the company designs a switching current of 1A and the impedance of the PDS is 10mΩ, the maximum differential voltage ripple is 10mV.

First, you should design a PCB stack structure that supports a larger layer capacitor. For example, a six-layer stack may include a top signal layer, a first ground layer, a first power layer, a second power layer, a second ground layer,how to test a circuit board with a multimeter and a bottom signal layer. The first ground layer and the first power layer are close to each other in the stacked structure, and the spacing between the two layers is 2-3 ml to form a lamellar inherent capacitor. The main advantage of this capacitor is that it is free and only needs to be noted in the PCB manufacturing instructions. If you must split the power layer and have multiple VDD power rails in the same layer, use the largest possible power layer. Don't leave holes, and watch out for sensitive circuits. This will give the VDD layer a larger capacitance. If the design allows for additional layers (in this case from six to eight), two additional ground layers should be placed between the first and second power layers. When the core spacing is 2-3 mm, the inherent capacitance of the cascade structure will be doubled.

For an ideal PCB stack, decoupling capacitors should be used at the initial entry point of the power layer and around the DUT to ensure that the PDS impedance is low over the entire frequency range. Using multiple capacitors from 0.001μF to 100μF helps to cover this range. You don't need capacitors everywhere; Pairing a capacitor with a DUT breaks all manufacturing rules. If such drastic measures are needed, there are other problems in the circuit.

How to quickly distinguish the number of PCB boards on the motherboard


The importance of PCB design in electronic design


Two or three things you may not know about PCBS!


How important is PCB layout?

Posted by: sadabqbn at 03:55 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 430 words, total size 3 kb.

August 30, 2021

What are the symptoms of arrhythmia? Keep 4 tips in mind, or help regulate arrhythmia

Difficulty breathing

When an 心律不正治療 arrhythmia occurs, people will have difficulty breathing, but this situation will not last long. Many people will think it is overworked chest suffocation and often don't care. It is recommended that if you cannot breathe normally, you must take measures and go to the hospital for treatment.


If you suffer from arrhythmia, you will feel like you really want to sleep, you still don’t wake up after sleeping for a long time, and you don’t have energy all over your body. If this happens, put down your work, sit down to rest or drink some water, and wake up after the symptoms disappear to prevent accidents.


If palpitations occur frequently, it may also be a symptom of arrhythmia. It is recommended not to perform strenuous exercise or high-intensity work at this time, which may cause myocardial infarction, which is very dangerous.


Some people feel very upset when the heart rhythm is abnormal, because a slight arrhythmia basically does not make the heart abnormal, but people's mood will be greatly affected, there will be greater mood swings, because a little thing will make you angry .


Some friends suffer from arrhythmia and often have dizziness symptoms, while dizziness and other dizziness symptoms caused by arrhythmia are different, often accompanied by panic. If this happens frequently, do not delay, and find out the cause in time. treatment.

Chest tightness

It should be said that chest tightness is the most obvious symptom of arrhythmia, which means that the human heart cannot beat in a normal rhythm. Too fast or too slow will cause physical discomfort. For example, if the rhythm is too slow, people will have difficulty breathing and chest tightness, while too fast will make people feel flustered. Therefore, if chest tightness occurs, you must sit down and relax, try to keep the indoor air as fresh as possible, and call the emergency number in time when it is severe.

Proper diet

For patients with arrhythmia, they should pay attention to their daily diet, which is healthier and has a protective effect on the heart.

What are the symptoms of arrhythmia? Keep 4 tips in mind, or help regulate arrhythmia

Eat less irritating foods and avoid greasy foods. Most of these foods are high in calories and have a high fat content. After entering the body, they will not only cause fat accumulation, but also increase the burden on the stomach, causing digestion difficulties and flatulence. Therefore, the intake of diet is very important. Pay attention to the combination of diet, so as not to increase the load on the heart and cause arrhythmia.

Proper exercise

If you suffer from mild arrhythmia, you must always exercise, which will delay the development of the disease. Regular physical exercise every day can relax the body, speed up blood circulation, and relieve the symptoms of arrhythmia.

But be careful not to over-exercise, try to choose low-intensity exercise, such as yoga, Tai Chi, running, etc., to avoid heart stimulation and cause physical discomfort.

What are the symptoms of arrhythmia? Keep 4 tips in mind, or help regulate arrhythmia

Quit smoking and drinking

Patients with arrhythmia should improve their living habits, try not to stay up late, go to bed early at night, and ensure adequate sleep. At the same time, the most important thing is to quit smoking and drinking, because excessive drinking and smoking will stimulate blood vessels, affect the normal operation of the heart, and cause frequent attacks of arrhythmia. Although it is difficult to quit smoking and drinking, you are determined to quit and I believe you will succeed.

Keep a good attitude

When encountering difficulties, keep calm, maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, avoid causing great mood swings, and don't get agitated, otherwise arrhythmia is prone to occur. In addition, patients with arrhythmia should avoid overwork, arrange work and rest time reasonably, pay attention to the combination of work and rest, and pay attention to rest.

I hope you can remember the symptoms of arrhythmia, it will be of great help in the future.

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The harm of arrhythmia cannot be ignored. With these symptoms, it is likely to be arrhythmia

Posted by: sadabqbn at 04:16 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 743 words, total size 5 kb.

August 12, 2021

People who regularly do these seven sports will look younger and healthier

1. Sit-ups

Sit-ups are a common exercise. In the 蔡加赞 process of sit-ups, you can effectively exercise your abdominal muscles and help eliminate abdominal fat. If the waist circumference becomes thicker, it is recommended to do more exercise to help the burning of abdominal fat. When the volume of abdominal fat decreases, the internal organs are not easily affected by fatty substances and their functions decrease.

2. Squat

Squatting is a sport that many people like to do. In addition to improving cardiorespiratory function, it can also exercise the muscles of the buttocks and legs. In the process of squatting, the change of body posture can better promote blood circulation, so to promote physical health, you might as well do more squats.

3. Swimming

Compared with other sports, swimming consumes more energy, but wears fewer joints or bones. Because when a person swims in the water, the water can play a buffering role, thereby reducing the damage to the joints or bones, thereby protecting the body to the greatest extent, and achieving the effect of exercising.

People who regularly do these 7 sports look younger and healthier

4. Jogging

Jogging for half an hour every morning is a good choice. In addition to burning energy and helping to control weight, jogging can also improve cardiorespiratory function and strengthen myocardium. So if you want to promote your health, you might as well jogging.

5. Plank support

Plank support is a popular exercise. It only depends on the arms to support the body and keep the body on a horizontal line. Although it seems unnecessary to move, it will make the muscles of the body tense, which can also achieve the effect of exercise. It’s not bad for a normal person to last for three minutes.

6. Push-ups

7. Long-distance running

People with strong endurance, suitable for long-distance running.

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Eat healthy fruits, remember these seven minefields, don’t touch any of them

What should I pay attention to when eating healthy fruits?

Top ten healthy fruits recognized in the world

Posted by: sadabqbn at 06:44 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 352 words, total size 3 kb.

People who regularly do these seven sports will look younger and healthier

1. Sit-ups

Sit-ups are a common exercise. In the 蔡加赞 process of sit-ups, you can effectively exercise your abdominal muscles and help eliminate abdominal fat. If the waist circumference becomes thicker, it is recommended to do more exercise to help the burning of abdominal fat. When the volume of abdominal fat decreases, the internal organs are not easily affected by fatty substances and their functions decrease.

2. Squat

Squatting is a sport that many people like to do. In addition to improving cardiorespiratory function, it can also exercise the muscles of the buttocks and legs. In the process of squatting, the change of body posture can better promote blood circulation, so to promote physical health, you might as well do more squats.

3. Swimming

Compared with other sports, swimming consumes more energy, but wears fewer joints or bones. Because when a person swims in the water, the water can play a buffering role, thereby reducing the damage to the joints or bones, thereby protecting the body to the greatest extent, and achieving the effect of exercising.

People who regularly do these 7 sports look younger and healthier

4. Jogging

Jogging for half an hour every morning is a good choice. In addition to burning energy and helping to control weight, jogging can also improve cardiorespiratory function and strengthen myocardium. So if you want to promote your health, you might as well jogging.

5. Plank support

Plank support is a popular exercise. It only depends on the arms to support the body and keep the body on a horizontal line. Although it seems unnecessary to move, it will make the muscles of the body tense, which can also achieve the effect of exercise. It’s not bad for a normal person to last for three minutes.

6. Push-ups

7. Long-distance running

People with strong endurance, suitable for long-distance running.

Related articles recommended

Eat healthy fruits, remember these seven minefields, don’t touch any of them

What should I pay attention to when eating healthy fruits?

Top ten healthy fruits recognized in the world

Posted by: sadabqbn at 06:44 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 352 words, total size 3 kb.

August 05, 2021

Confused and anxious? Two certificates worth getting! High gold content! test


Now the papers are getting more and more serious, these certificates cannot wait until the homework is completed! If you can have some certificates with higher gold content, you can increase your competitiveness in the workplace! We can combine our own actual situation and be targeted during the college entrance examination!

1. Basic category

1) CET-4 and CET-6

Nowadays, almost everyone has a certificate of level four or six. Although the job you are applying for may not be related to English, if you do not have an English certificate of Band 4 or 6, you will lose points in the interview, because this certificate also represents your learning ability to some extent.

Application conditions: students (cannot apply after graduation)

Exam time: Written exam time is June and December each year

Especially students who are not majoring in computer science, as well as students who need to develop in the direction of computer in their future careers, will improve their basic computer skills while studying, which is indispensable in the future workplace. The number of people who have obtained a second-level computer certificate is the highest in the country, and it is also one of the necessary certificates for fresh graduates to apply for a job.

Entry requirements: Applicants are not restricted by age, occupation, education, etc.

Exam time: March, September, and December each year

3) Driver's license

2. Professional

1) Teacher qualification certificate

If you want to work as a teacher or test the establishment of a teacher, a teacher qualification certificate is indispensable. It is best to take a college certificate, so that you will have an advantage when looking for a job. At present, the education and training institutions reorganized by the country are mainly not professional enough. Many teachers do not have teacher qualification certificates, so you may be a hot spot in the future!

Enrollment requirements: meet the academic requirements stipulated in the "Teacher Law", you can apply for the exam after the third year of university

Exam time: Generally held in March and October each year

2) PMP

This certificate may be more difficult. If you want to develop in business management in the future, this certificate is very conducive to career development, and you can refer to it according to your actual situation!

Explanation of application conditions:

The first category is not limited to education, but at least 26 years old. Project management experience is not necessarily in work, but also in life and study

3) Second foreign language certificate

According to the statistics of Fortune 500 companies in 2015,

The Japanese Language Proficiency Test is divided intoN5考試-n 15 levels, n 1 is the highest level. Japanese companies (54 Japanese companies in the Fortune 500)

TEF: French proficiency test approved by the French Ministry of Education. French (31 French companies in the Fortune 500)

The World Korean Language Certification Test is divided into 6 levels, 6 of which are the highest. South Korea (17 South Korean companies in the Fortune 500)

Others, such as Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, etc. , Because of China’s economic exchanges with South American countries and oil cooperation with Arab countries, there are bright prospects. Studying German law is not only for finding a job, but also for applying to study in Germany or France.

4) Junior accountant

Intermediate and senior accountants need work experience to apply for the exam, so accountants are the first choice for students, especially accounting students.

Entrance requirements: High school degree or above recognized by the Ministry of Education

Exam time: Generally in May each year, the exam content includes two subjects: "Economic Law Fundamentals" and "Basic Accounting Practices"

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Posted by: sadabqbn at 08:00 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 27, 2021

Four Soy Sauce Families in Hong Kong-Tongzhen Soy Sauce

Referred to as Tongzhen Soy Sauce, it is an ancient brand同珍王賜豪 made in Hong Kong. Founded in 1876 in Shipai, Dongguan, China. It was exported from Dongguan to Hong Kong at the end of the 19th century. It was registered in Hong Kong in 1919 and is known as the four major families of Hong Kong soy sauce along with Lee Kum Kee, Xiamen and Ba Zhen. Founded more than 130 years ago. Today, the "Tongzhen" brand is more popular with people. Its products sell well in Hong Kong and more than 20 overseas countries and regions, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other places. In some countries, some products of "Tongzhen" are designed to create more than half of the market share. All over the world, wherever there are Chinese restaurants, there are shadows of Tongzhen products.

Tongzhen Soy Sauce has two factories in Hong Kong, located on Chang Rong Road (350,000 square feet) in Kwai Chung and Di Jun (120,000 square feet) in Fanling. The current president of Tongzhen Group, Wang Cihao, is a third-generation operator and took over in 1998. He is an ENT specialist and a member of the CPPCC Standing Committee in Dongguan City, Guangdong Province.

"Tongzhen" soy sauce was certified as a high-quality enterprise product of "Hong Kong Q Mark" in 2003.


Wherever there are Chinese, you must see Tongzhen

The company was officially registered in 1919, when the trademark had not yet become popular, but the company has existed for 130 years. Many people may not know that with the development of Jane's同珍王賜豪 well-known brand, in addition to the production of soy sauce, there are nearly a thousand kinds of non-staple foods such as sugar ginger and candied fruit for export, which are sold all over the world. "Before the war, Hong Kong had a traditional food industry, but most of it was sold locally, not exported," Wong said. The post-war period was a big take-off period for the company. When we found a lack of foreign raw materials, we seized the opportunity to distribute our products to the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada and other countries, successfully opening up the world market. "

At that time, many Chinese immigrated to Europe and America because of war or "nautical". Due to their low level of knowledge, they can only make a living by opening Chinese restaurants. There is a great demand for soy sauce, dried flour, cornstarch, eagle millet flour, preserved fruit and other raw materials. "Westerners appreciate the diversity of Chinese food, which is much better than British fish and chips." At present, 70% of Tongzhen's products are exported, with sales points all over the world. It can be said that there are Chinese people everywhere.

Brand style

"Tongzhen" insists on making it in Hong Kong, which is based on cost considerations. "Tongzhen" always pays attention to product quality, insists on natural fermentation for four months, and retains the true taste of traditional soy sauce. Now, "Tongzhen" is produced with the handed down secret recipes and scientific modern methods, which makes the quality control more precise and meets the consumers' requirements for quality life. Over the years, "Tongzhen" has introduced diversified products to add new ideas to traditional tastes; for example, in recent years, the concepts of "small sauce" 同珍王賜豪 and "mixed sauce" have been introduced, making cooking a pleasure. "Tongzhen" broadens the use of the product; its "Tianding Fragrant Vinegar" can not only be used to cook pig's feet and ginger vinegar, but also can be used to make other dishes, such as "sweet vinegar chicken." "Tongzhen" has won many awards with years of hard work; in 2003 it was awarded the "Hong Kong Q Mark" high-quality product logo, and in 2008 it was awarded the "Hong Kong Famous Brand" honor, confirming the excellent status of its brand. "Tongzhen" exerts the spirit of corporate citizenship, does not forget charity, and actively participates in community activities. Mr. Wang Zhongming was the deputy director of CPPCC in Dongguan in the 1970s. He was the first Hong Kong citizen to return to the Mainland to participate in hometown construction. The current leader of the group, Dr. Wang Cihao, became Chairman of Po Leung Kuk and Chairman of Leshan Church in Kowloon in 2003. He is also a member of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and was awarded the "Bronze Bauhinia Star" and "Judge of the Peace" honors by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government.

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A family of business culture and philanthropy becomes a great tool-remember Wang Cihao, member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and President of Hong Kong Tongzhen Group Company

The world of Dongguan is united with businessmen to create brilliance together

Posted by: sadabqbn at 07:47 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 13, 2021

What is the difference between an 僱傭relationship and a labor relationship?

The concepts of labor relations and 僱傭relations are often confused by everyone. Although there are some understandable things between labor relations and 僱傭relations, there are some essential differences between labor relations and 僱傭relations. When handling labor disputes, it is also very important to distinguish between labor relations and 僱傭relations. Then we briefly introduce the difference between 僱傭relationship and 僱傭relationship.

What is the difference between an 僱傭relationship and a labor production relationship?

(1) The scope of the relationship subject is different.

The subject of labor relations is specific, that is, one party can only be an individual worker, and the other party must be an employing unit, including medium-sized enterprises, individual economic organizations, private non-enterprise units, state agencies, public institutions, social organizations, etc. As the main body of labor relations, there are strict restrictions on workers. Workers must reach the legal working age and have the ability to work. Civil servants, public institutions, and social organizations have a status equivalent to the civil service system. Rural workers and active duty Soldiers cannot be the subject of labor relations; laborers under the age of 16, women over 55, and men over 60 do not constitute labor relations. The scope of the subjects of the 僱傭relationship is relatively wide, and all citizens, equal subjects, citizens and legal persons can form an 僱傭relationship.

(2) The relationship status between subjects is different.

The existence of the employer-employer and the labor development in the labor social relationship can not only have an equality, but also the students have a subordinate relationship, that is, the relationship between management and being managed. Workers are members of the employing department and must strictly abide by the rules and regulations of the employing unit, and engage in education under the leadership and management of the employing unit. In the employment-employee relationship, although to a certain extent, we must continue to accept the supervision, management and control of employers by Chinese workers, but the various laws and regulations of employers are usually not binding on workers, and workers do not need to. Complying with the employer’s attendance information management, reward and punishment mechanism management, promotion resource management, salary promotion management, etc., workers are relatively independent in actual teaching work, and there is no subordination relationship between the two.

The difference between labor relations and 僱傭 relations and the principle of liability

The difference between僱傭 relationship and labor relationship

Both parties to the labor relationship have administrative subordination

Posted by: sadabqbn at 03:47 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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September 10, 2020

The right hearing aid can help treat hearing

The right hearing aid can gain skill and insight by listening to skilled treatment methods. The process begins with a comprehensive audiology analysis, but even if our audiologists do their best, the use of hearing aids is often challenging. Evidence shows that the adaptation time is long-in audiology, adjusting the length of hearing time helps to adapt to the amplification effect of AIDS, which may be normal. Imagine if you can get away from adapting time by creating a personalized look experience from the beginning?

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When listening care professionals tailor hearing aids for patients, they understand that almost every patient’s needs are different-each hearing point they want to experience better has its own unique sound attribute. Hearing aids can already be modified according to the listening environment of the person-they can reduce the overall call volume in the espresso shop or increase the voice of friends in the park.

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But doing so is often unnecessary advertising temporary and guidance. By integrating artificial intelligence with today's most advanced digital hearing aids, listening to alternative sounds can find out the multiple auditory environments that people desire most and provide them with greater automatic adjustments to the auditory work experience. Very simple and personalized natural audio in a real environment.

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The currently listening auxiliary device can be connected wirelessly with the smartphone, which may require necessary adjustments or only for streaming audio. Add a machine learning application to the mix that can process input from related hearing aids, and can send and obtain anonymous details from the cloud-based AI hearing aid configuration method. We have designed a new enhanced hearing method Premise.

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Posted by: sadabqbn at 09:37 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 365 words, total size 3 kb.

August 30, 2020





③。 控制面板:一般空氣煎鍋的控制面板分為計算機控制和機械控制,雖然它們的烹飪效果相同,但主要區別是控制指令輸入方式的不同。 這兩種操作方式各有特點,機械控制簡單易操作,且電腦版,功能較多,且設計智能化。 所以選擇哪一個也需要看個人喜好。


1.易清潔: 空氣炸鍋畢竟經常接觸到油,所以其清潔程度也決定了使用中的麻煩程度。第一,籃子必須能夠拆卸,第二材料為食品級材料,而且還有不粘塗層,所以更方便清洗。因此,當我們買空氣炸鍋時,我們應該試著買易清潔空氣炸鍋。


有齊多款材料,包括:雞翼丶豬肋條丶薯條丶肉類等氣炸好物,零失敗就係咁easy! 各款滋味食材,應有盡有,仲可揀埋氣炸鍋及配件,送到你門口!






Posted by: sadabqbn at 04:51 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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August 08, 2020



咖啡棕櫚富含煙酸,也是維生素B之一。 因此,女性可以喝咖啡補充一點維生素B營養哦,除了咖啡中有益於人體的咖啡因,還有遊離脂肪酸和單寧酸等人體可吸收的物質。 因為咖啡中的咖啡因能刺激大腦,消除疲勞,所以也能讓我們精神煥發。 但失眠的朋友不要喝太多咖啡,會加重失眠症狀。 便秘的2.治療

平常生活中便秘的朋友可多了,這與腸胃功能或平常生活習慣飲食等有著極大的關系。 便秘的問題不容忽視,如果長時間積聚在一起,身體會產生大量的毒素和垃圾,如果不排出任何人是不好的。 不僅會使你的身體不健康,還會使皮膚產生黑色素等。 所以普通女性可以喝一些咖啡,來幫助排便和身體新陳代謝,從而促進毒素的排除。


優質智能咖啡機可為生活增添更豐富層次。獨家代理瑞士咖啡機牌子 - JURA,採用世界級科研為家居、辦公室及餐飲業客戶提供優質新鮮咖啡,品牌旗下多款即磨咖啡機更可支援流動應用程式,讓您隨時享受濃香四溢的寫意時刻。






Posted by: sadabqbn at 06:21 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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July 14, 2020



生活中,每個人的皮膚類型都不一樣。 特別是在春節期間,對於很多朋友來說,不可避免地會有很多娛樂、壓力等等,這些都會影響到個人的皮膚。 怎么了?





在春節期間,對於所有的朋友來說都不可避免會吃 一些油膩,海鮮等之類的食物,這種情況下我們就會造成我國很多的皮膚出現問題。這就要求需要能夠在日常的生活中保持好一定的運動量,這也就是能夠提高有助於提升自己可以保持好一定的體重。



當然,對於不同的朋友,春節期間的生活方式也是不同的。 不管怎樣,每個人都應該好好利用這個難得的假期來放松自己,當你處於一個更好的水平時,你會更好。





Posted by: sadabqbn at 04:42 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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July 03, 2020



做法: 酒水適量,微波2分鍾左右即可,或制成酒雞蛋,酒餃。 如果你在月經前的早晚服用,效果會更好。

成效分析:天心髒有魔鬼身材,酒釀功不可沒。 許多營養師同意酒釀的豐胸功效。由於曲米中含有能促進女性胸部細胞豐滿的天然荷爾蒙,其酒精成分也有助於改善胸部血液循環。















Posted by: sadabqbn at 06:38 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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July 01, 2020













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June 23, 2020







1. 鴿肉是平、甜、鹹、肝、腎; 具有滋腎益氣、祛風解毒、氣虛、益精血、溫腰膝尿等作用。











Posted by: sadabqbn at 07:21 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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June 16, 2020
















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